Friday, September 24, 2010


一年PRP的生活也将近尾声了……当初还带着复杂、困扰的心情踏进Hospital Kulim,现在觉得这里的人都很友善,很亲切,为我孤零零的寂寞带来不少色彩。新环境、穷知识的障碍都一一克服,迎来的是面对人际关系的从容,和面对病人的自信。其实回想起来,我真的忘记了如何走到今天,一年感觉上过得很快,都来不及消化,就结束了。将要面对的是另一轮可能的离别,可能的新环境。离别对我来说,已经没那么伤感,活到如今23岁,都经历了不少离别的场面,已习以为常。每次的离别,都会告别一批朋友,虽然都很少再见到面,但还是值得珍惜那段短暂的友谊。


人长大了,面对人际关系的态度也会不一样。可能会越来越麻木,越来越冷漠,甚至是带着面具过日子,这就是Lady Gaga所谓的 'poker face'。我的确很害怕我的那一天会到来。人生活得越来越低调,开心的事情不声张,伤心的事情不吐嘈,迟一点就是木头人一个。因此,天天要提醒自己,开心就要从心底笑开来,伤心流几滴眼泪也没关系。尝试敞开心扉来接受一天的好与坏,多关心身边的人与事,才是正确的生活方式,才是朝向真正快乐的途径。只要有正确的生活态度,多艰苦的挫折都不是绊脚石,至少我是相信着这个道理,秉持着这个信念活到现在。在此,我希望大家都能相信有更好的明天,期盼着像彩虹般灿烂的光辉!

Friday, July 9, 2010








Friday, April 2, 2010

Truth about Pharmacists Job

When I first entered university, I liked to ask this question to my course mates, "Why do u choose pharmacy?" The answers vary- "I want to get rich", that's the most common answer; "I don't want to study medic but I like biology", second common; "Girls not suitable to be engineers, so choosing pharmacy instead, as I was studying physics", third common; other answers like friends influence, parents influence are available too. Then, after I graduated, I ask this question to the to-be pharmacists and pharmacists, "Do u really wanted to choose pharmacy in the first place?" Guess what? Most of the answers are "I was being cheated!!!" together with a sad and regretful face...

All these happens because we don't know the actual role of pharmacists and what kind of job a pharmacist really is. What we see is pharmacists outside there are rich, with big house and great car, relax life as they only open their shops at 10am. If choose based on subjects studied in pre-U, then pharmacy is the option if not choosing medic, thinking that pharmacy is just like medic without the surgery. Then the regret comes when we realized all of the view of pharmacists we have all the time is WRONG! This is not the job we want! This is not our interests! Then the struggle is stronger when being told that we have to do compulsory services and our working place have to reshuffle again after one year... What? We are not being told all of these before!!! Then here comes the statement, "If I know that earlier...." and so the regret adding more and more even until we become a pharmacist now.

People thought that pharmacist is a wonderful job dealing with doctors where everybody proud of... or pharmacist is those who open a shop and sitting there acting like a doctor; or just a person who sits at counter giving out medicine where a nurse can do it, so pharmacist is not needed at all...

No! Let me tell u who is a pharmacist...
There are pharmacists who deal with doctors and patients only - clinical pharmacist;
pharmacist who are 'rich and relax' - community or retail pharmacist;
pharmacist who deal with paper works, machine and quality of medicine - industrial pharmacist;
pharmacist who carries law books and do raiding - enforcement pharmacist;
pharmacists who deal with patients, nurses and medicines - outpatient and inpatient pharmacists;
pharmacists who deal with stocks and sales rep - store pharmacists;
pharmacists who handle chemotherapy (cancer) medicines - cytotoxic drug pharmacists;
pharmacists who deal with blood and reading - TDM pharmacist;
pharmacists who handle injectable nutritional solutions - TPN pharmacist;
pharmacists who deal with radioactive substances - radiopharmacist
what else I have not included yet?

The above are the kind of job a pharmacist can do... then let me tell u what do a hospital pharmacist do...
1) Answer telephone (info request, on-call, complaints, etc...)
2) Calling the ward and doctors, medicine companies and sales rep (also a telephone job)
3) Calling to other hospitals (borrowing medicines...)
4) Searching medicine information
5) Filling and dispense medicines
6) Finding doctor's errors (That's the reason doctors and pharmacists always in quarrel)
7) Check stock
8) Merchandising (first-in-first-out rule, just like in department store)
9) Copying patient bed tickets (instead of reviewing)
10) Mixing syrup (just like making coffee and milk)
11) Calculating (dose and TDM work)
12) Filling forms
13) Counselling patients
14) Decorating??? (For the 5S things)
15) Doing presentations and research

hmm.... Do I miss out anything? So, a pharmacist is a manager? a businessman? a telephone operator? a walking computer? a clerk? a store keeper? a counsellor? a researcher?
Sometimes even an entertainer? Because some patients like to scold pharmacists when they are waiting for too long, so its the chance for us to entertain the patients... We are not deal with medicines only, neither patients only. In short, a pharmacist is a multi-role job where I also can't find a word to define it.

How about the life of a pharmacist in government sector? Well, it is a "punch card" life... Every morning drag a reluctant soul to punch card before 8am then hoping don't have to meet any stubborn and 'aggressive' patients and doctors, waiting for 1pm to have lunch break, then waiting for 5pm to punch card again... During on-call time, praying for the phone not to ring, praying for a good sleep without disturbing of phone calls... haha... Quite boring and dry lifestyle huh...

But things will change. Try to put aside the regret and think. As we working, we acquire knowledge and collect experiences, as time goes by, we'll build up our confidence as a real multi-purpose pharmacist!

So, these are the truths that no outsiders will know except u work as a hospital pharmacists before... Therefore, to the students who wish to choose pharmacy, make sure u really interview a hospital pharmacist first; to the doctors, do understand us and not blame us all the time; to the public, do appreciate us after receiving your medicines as all the medicines u received are free of charge, so stop complaining!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010



Criminal Minds (犯罪心理)。 现在已经是第5个 season了, 我还是一集一集追下去。每一集通常都有不同的故事,常常也有介绍不同的心理病症。之前都有妄想症、性格障碍症、忧郁症等等。戏里也教我们如何辨认这些人,如何去救他们,如何去开导他们。患有这些病症的人,到某个程度都会有犯罪心理。撇开法律不说,其实这些人都很可怜。他们背着以往挥之不去的包袱,过着与平常人不一样的生活,想不开时,周围的人都会遭殃,最后他们也会伤害自己。虽然后果都会被警察捉,可是解除那个心理障碍才是重点。

Season 5 Episode 13 的这集,就介绍了
Münchausen syndrome。患有这种病的人,会不断的伤害自己或身边所照顾的人,让他不断的生病,进院,以借此机会照顾他。这是患者长期得不到关怀,以另一种方式来引起别人的关注。其实之前,我在日剧"Voice"(亡者之声)里,也有看过类似的病症,或许这种病在外国已越来越普遍吧。

schizophrenia, bipolar disorder等病症,通称为“神经病”。但是都不很了解真正的病况,在医院实习时,病人都在接受治疗,也就看起来很正常,很难分辨了。在戏里,虽然可能不是100%正确的症状,至少可以看到患者会做出的举动,和带来的后果,的确是学了不少。
