Sunday, July 26, 2009

988 Simon san の楽園

自从988换了新概念和新节目后,我最爱的 “Simon san の楽園” 时段竟然消失了。那可是全大马唯一一个日韩歌曲节目,有那么多的忠实听众,陪伴了我那么多年,竟然一个交待都没有,就从新节目表中被抽离了……

从 “988有声有色” 变成 “988最好听”,当初我听到这个口号时,还真的对新节目充满期待。怎知新节目表出来了,节目名字都取得有点奇怪,节目类别有点空洞,很多大家喜爱的DJ都不见了。

听了一个月的新988,都不是胃口,难以下肚,更怀念以前的 “988有声有色”。现在的988都不知是瞄准哪个听众群,好像没有更明确的旨意。立志成为最好听的电台应该不是这个样子的。只觉得988的灵魂不见了~

我还是打从心底希望这我支持多年的电台可以继续改进,成为真正好听的电台。现在,只好在这里默默为 “Simon san の楽園” 哀悼了……

(如果有哪个好心人知道Simon san的去向,请告诉我哦,多谢了!)

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Earl Grey tea

The first time I know about this tea was in Dan Brown's "The Da Vinci Code", which the character Sir Leigh Teabing like to drink Earl Grey tea with lemon and Professor Langdon was asked by Sir Leigh for the answer for "milk or sugar?". Put aside coffee, tea is one of the most popular drink after all. No matter it is British tea, Ceylon tea, Chinese tea, red tea or green tea, u name it, people from all around the world have their own preference of tea in their own countries. People drinks tea for many reasons too - for health, to keep fit, as a past time, a tradition, or simply - love it.

I can't recall actually since when I joined the group "tea lovers" rather than "coffee addicts". I like to drink Chinese tea after a heavy meal, with the belief that tea can help to reduce fat in our body (which is may be just my belief), and tea can 'wash away' whatever taste that left on your tongue after meal. This is an advantage that coffee doesn't have... Haha ^^ Whenever I dining in '
Mamak stall', I always order 'teh o limau' (which is Ceylon tea with lemon). It tastes good!

Yesterday, I went to the newly opened "Who's Bryan" coffee house at Ong Yi How (opposite Chung Ling Butterworth), never in my imagination, I found this "Earl Grey" in the menu. Without second thought, I ordered it. Before I talk about the taste, let us have some history here first...

Earl Grey is a tea blended with Bergamot oil (a type of fragrant orange, called "香柠檬" in Chinese). The tea is named after the second Earl Charles Grey, a British Prime Minister from 1830 - 1834. Since the taste of Bergamot is quite strong, the Bergamot oil was originally blended with black tea to mask the lack of flavour from black tea. The Bergamot orange is mostly cultivated in Italy and the Earl Grey tea is now a favorite in Britain and in North America.

Earl Grey tea looks no different from the Ceylon tea (the typical yellowish brown). The first taste after a sip is no different too, however, the moment just before you swallow, u got the special taste. It is neither simply sweet nor sour, but the distinctive aroma is the most pleasant taste in the end. Flicking through the directories in my mind, I just manage to say that it has a little bit the taste of Taiwan ‘roast milk tea’ (烤奶茶), just at the very end before you swallow… The taste is pleasant, not with strong aroma. It moistens the throat and so as the esophagus… and seducing you to want more of it...

This glass of Earl Grey has not added lemon… (I wonder whether the principle of adding lemon to Earl Grey and adding lemon to ‘teh o’ will be the same or not) May be next time I’ll try to find a shop selling Earl Grey with lemon… Perhaps anyone of you has ever tried one with added lemon? Mind telling me the taste? For those who never try Earl Grey before, do not hesitate to try one, you will never regret over it…

Tuesday, July 21, 2009






收音机和手机是我准备入眠不可少的。有时,我会播放CHEMISTRY 的唱片,那是最适合不过的。懒惰时,就听手机随身听,有时听988,但较多时候是听收录在手机里的歌,有得选择嘛。



Sunday, July 12, 2009

Pride and Prejudice

It never came to my mind that my first post on movie would be on an English film... (as I like Japanese drama so much...) Since small, I was told that literary film will never be interesting, and horror and action movies will always be a big hit in cinemas. I believed that as I was always being scared and stunned by the actions and horrifying scenes but never try to even exposed myself to a literary film before. How silly I am... Tonight, thank to my curiosity, I watched "Pride and Prejudice" 2005 version. I know "Pride and Prejudice" is the most famous work by Jane Austen since I was in secondary school, but shamefully, I never read the book.

The story was set at the time when ranking among the English society is important. The rich cannot marry the poor and so on... (just like in many other countries that time) If the daughter in a family able to get married, it would be of great rejoice by the family or even the whole neighborhood, because the family will have less burden afterward. If a man is willing to marry a girl, there will be no reason or excuse for the girl to reject. However, the writer was successful to break this tradition in her story by TRUE LOVE among the gentlemen and ladies.

In the story, 'true love' saved the relationship from pride and prejudice; and pride and prejudice were the first impressions of the gentleman "Mr Darcy" by "Elizabeth". From an article I read, "First Impressions" was the initial name the writer give to this wonderful piece of work. The title "First Impressions" may suit the story very well, but in my opinion, may be the writer wanted us not to forget the bad impact that would be brought to ourselves and the people around us with just our pride and prejudice.

From this moment onwards, I swear I would never go for a horror movie when I'm boring. That will only costs me another night of insomnia. Good movie like "Pride and Prejudice" not only filled up my spare time, it also let me learn something useful in my life, at the same time, enjoying the breathtaking scenes of England in the movie. There were so many attempts of movies made based on popular literature. The most recent will be the Angels and Demons by Dan Brown. In opposite, I've read the book but not watched the movie... (It was that H1N1, make me scare for going into crowded cinema) Although I've read many comments about "Da Vinci Code" movie before, but I still believed that as long as the story of the original work is good, and in the movie, the story has not altered much, that movie will be very nice to be enjoyed. ^^

Saturday, July 4, 2009



有时,觉得单身并不是坏事。少了一个人的烦恼和担心,多了属于自己的时间和自由。享受单身的当儿,也会羡慕霸级市场里的拖手情侣……看了就算,强调自己现在单身也活得很开心!(真是阿Q~)看到朋友们为情人一把鼻涕,一把泪,更是觉得自己更幸运了~ 哈哈 ^^ 朋友常为男朋友和两个人的未来烦恼,替男朋友的工作担心,吵架时更是心情糟透……常常按计算机计划几时可筑爱巢、买保险……一天按几十封的短讯、打上十通的电话,连吃饭都不能好好享受眼前的食物……答应好见面,却要在半小时前倒数“甜蜜”时光的来临,一边打开衣柜发呆……虽然有这样多无谓的烦恼,却还是喜孜孜的说很幸福……真是的……

虽然觉得单身好,我并没有抗拒爱情。就像蔡健雅的《达尔文》里,“保持单身 忍不住又沉沦”,到头来还是“兜着圈子来去有时苦等”……爱情来临时还是无法抵挡,仍然会打开心扉。虽然不一定成功,却不可剥削属于自己恋爱的权利。

