Sunday, December 27, 2009

一亿三千万人的选择!Best Artist


这几天看了连续几年的「一亿三千万人的选择!Best Artist」节目,发现还有很多好听的日本歌是我没听过的。有些歌手唱现场果然魅力无法挡,有些则没唱得比CD里好。

首先,我一定要提的是连续3年都进入「一亿三千万人的选择!Best Artist」的 '
kobukuro' (コブクロ)和平井堅。他们的唱功是无可质疑的。以抒情歌演绎,他们俩都唱得感情投入,加上歌词有字幕翻译,富有意义的歌词加上动人的旋律,最能感动听众的歌手非他们莫属 (我都听得想哭出来呢!)我最爱的是コブクロ的「」。总觉得那首歌很有意义,也有鼓励大家要坚强的意思。平井堅的「いつか離れる日は来ても」是很悲的一首歌,也是2008电影「あの空をおぼえてる」(勿忘那片天)的主题歌。(这电影让我从开始哭到尾,导演真是坏心肠!)平井堅唱这首歌时都唱到眼泪也差点流出来……><''' (他的歌声中总觉得有很浓的寂寞和空虚……) 看这个节目也顺便让我update日本娱乐圈的新闻。我一向来还蛮喜欢的EXILE,忽然变成了14个成员,我真的吓到。EXILE的歌,我还是选择只听不看,感觉比较好……(其中一个原因当然是成员都不帅 =p) 歌声温柔的ELT (Every Little Thing),我最熟悉的歌就是1998 年的「Time goes by」,那时是我刚“踏入日本娱乐圈”时所认识的这首好歌。GLAY 的出场让我有点兴奋,但却没唱到我所爱的「ここではない、どこかへ」。V6 的歌我好久没听了,这次听了觉得还不错,仍旧有他们一贯的风格。当时认识他们时是因为看Ultraman Tiga,之后就停留在「Change the World」的时代了。Porno Graffiti (ポルノグラフィティ) 唱 「アゲハ蝶」(凤蝶)时,听到那么熟悉的旋律,顿时有点激动。看他们唱歌,觉得很自在,不必担心唱不起高音或唱得不够投入,果然是一种享受!ゆず(yuzu) 虽然是旧团体,却很少听到他们的歌,觉得蛮不错。其实令我惊讶的是原来那主唱是北川悠仁 (真惭愧……囧),第一次见过他是在和堀北真希主演的「Innocent Love」里。

KAT-TUNNEWS関ジャニ∞TOKIO,这些就不谈了,因没什么深刻印象,认识他们都是在日剧里。(抱歉 =( )

aiko 甜美的歌声依旧,绚香的歌声的确无人能比,在「三日月」里见识过了。倖田来未的歌,我不是很喜欢,只觉得她专门唱舞曲,不是我的taste。Perfume 那机械式的唱法,我还是不能认同。唉~ 反观生物股长(いきものがかり)的出道曲「SAKURA」,真的很好听,在这里为他们鼓掌。桑田佳祐的台风当然是最好的了,看到他不仅想起Southern All Stars,好想念当时的名曲「TSUNAMI」。

中島美嘉SPEED了!!!!! O(∩_∩)O 中島美嘉唱现场一直都是那么的投入、感人肺腑,我听得五体投地!「ORION」也好、新歌「流れ星」也好,都是很感动的歌曲。(她好像不太会讲话,连发言也只是说谢谢,感觉跟平井堅很像哦……难道他们俩只把感想写进歌里吗?)另一方面,SPEED出场的尖叫声不断,证明了她们的粉丝依然不少!少不了大家熟悉的「White Love」、「Steady」、「Body & Soul」,本来我很期待她们唱「S.P.D.」的,哪知却没有,好失望哦~

浜崎あゆみ嵐 (ARASHI)了。我还是喜欢浜崎あゆみ以前的歌,如「M」、「Season」,当晚她唱「Evolution」却唱不起,接不到气,真是丢脸,步姐要好好加油,照顾嗓子哦~ 当晚,也唱了不少很怀念的歌,如「A · RA · SHI」、「感謝カンゲキ雨嵐」,抢尽整个节目的风头了。

大塚愛姐姐和 B'z 大叔好像今年没来哦…… 无论如何,本人希望这个节目会继续,而且越做越好,越精彩,也让其他的歌手有机会亮相!(本人强力推荐: Uverworld、宇多田ヒカル、Chemistry、L'Arc~en~Ciel,大家都是好厉害的歌手,明年要加油哦!)


Saturday, October 10, 2009


当初还很天真的告诉自己得到哪里都会接受,却到了最后关头,才苦苦哀求希望得到最靠近家里的医院。当初也很天真的告诉自己希望去一个陌生的地方,重头来过,过新的生活。现在才尝到人生地不熟的痛苦。独自一个人来到了Hospital Kulim, 没有朋友,只好硬挤出笑容来面对每个人,其实心里是一直忐忑不安,担心自己将会面对怎样的挑战。

总算,千辛万苦过了一个星期。到了周末的那一刻,还真是有点小激动的快乐。医院的服务讲求速度和素质。在outpatient 部门,手上拿着15个药的prescription, 一心想达到快速度和高素质,还真的是困难。加上数学白痴的我,要算每一种药一个月的supply还真是费了我不少功夫。算着insulin的unit, 站在冰箱前大半天,都算不出一个月要给多少支的insulin, penolong farmasi 在一旁看我惊慌的样子,他都不需要20秒的时间就算到了……还有明明同样的药拿了几次,却总是忘记它的位置。我还真是善忘。想要快的时候,却拿错了dose……当面对这样的情况时,要我在病人面前挤出笑容来dispense,简直就做不到。

一直忙到lunch time, 自己没有车,又人生地不熟,有同事愿意载,已经是很好了。又怕人家等太久,又匆忙把手头上的工作做完,跟大家出去吃饭。这时候,要我在同事前脸带笑容,也是很勉强的事。一向不擅交际的我,吃饭时间只好静静吃饭,坐在一旁听senior PRP 们高谈阔论。

放工了,幸好还回到自己熟悉的家,熟悉的房间,熟悉的冲凉房,洗了热澡,还有我熟悉的 laptop上网。到了晚上,那些在工作时隐藏的疲累,都接踵而来。这时连MSN都懒得 sign in了。身为 PRP, 竟然要记录每天所作的事情,要给preceptor 看,回来还要伤脑筋,怎样写才能让preceptor 满意,这简直是虐待……

到了周末,总算有得睡得比较迟。想到晚上又要上吉他课,练了两个星期的 F chord 还弹不出来,还真的觉得自己不够上进。到了课室,幸好今天教《隐形的翅膀》,是我熟悉的激励歌曲,这星期才算满意收场。音乐始终是让我放松的好帮手,看来我要多靠靠“音乐”这家伙了。

明天就开始正式posting, 在ward supply 部门,也是个不能放松,和讲究速度和素质的地方,看来我又有气要受了……

Saturday, September 5, 2009

When Health Care Gets Ugly - Pfizer to Pay $2.3 Billion for Fraudulent Marketing of Bextra-

Health care should be a field that gains the trust of the public for better quality of life. However, when comes to the line between ethics and profits, people tend to become greedy... money is the thing they choose in the end and people lives being put in danger...

Here's the excerpt of the news...

"WASHINGTON – American pharmaceutical giant Pfizer have agreed to pay $2.3 billion, the largest health care fraud settlement in the history of the Department of Justice, to resolve criminal and civil liability arising from the illegal promotion of certain pharmaceutical products..."

"...a felony violation of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act for misbranding Bextra with the intent to defraud or mislead. Bextra is an anti-inflammatory drug that Pfizer pulled from the market in 2005..."

"In addition, Pfizer has agreed to pay $1 billion to resolve allegations under the civil False Claims Act that the company illegally promoted four drugs – Bextra; Geodon, an anti-psychotic drug; Zyvox, an antibiotic; and Lyrica, an anti-epileptic drug – and caused false claims to be submitted to government health care programs for uses that were not medically accepted indication..."

"Illegal conduct and fraud by pharmaceutical companies puts the public health at risk, corrupts medical decisions by health care providers, and costs the government billions of dollars," said Tony West, Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Division."
(Full text of news here)

From another website, here's the excerpt...

"The FDA rejected a company application to market the drug for uses like that because the benefits didn't outweigh the risks, mainly cardiovascular problems. Bextra was approved to relieve arthritis pain (10 milligrams once a day) and menstrual pain (20 milligrams twice a day). But Pfizer touted Bextra heavily for other conditions and at higher doses anyway..."

"...encouraging doctors to start patients at high doses of Bextra--eight times the approved starting dose in the case of migraine patients..."
(Full text here)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Utada Hikaru 宇多田 ヒカル

I believe the name "Utada" is known by the public even for those who do not listen to Japanese songs much. Apparently, she was popularly known by her famous love song "First Love" in 1999, as the theme song for the popular Japanese drama "majo no jouken" (魔女の条件). Apart from "First Love", there are other 4 songs which were the theme songs of popular Japanese dramas: "Can you keep a secret?" for "Hero", "Flavor of Life" for "hana yori dango" (日本流星花园), "Prisoner of Love" for the big hit and full of controversial drama "Last Friends", and the latest "Eternally -Drama Mix-" for "Innocent Love". As I know, Utada is among the artists that has most songs become the theme songs of popular Japanese dramas. Big applause for Utada!!!

Tonight, as I saw 8tv Quickie was giving out Utada latest English album "This is the One" for lucky winners, I think it is already the time for me to write something about Utada here. Utada songs are never the same as other pop songs, as she is the songwriter for all her own songs, she got her own unique ideas towards music and always let her feelings free flow in her songs to the best. Never be forgotten, beside the unique music, her lyrics are another awesome strength that lure the listeners into her music world. Even though she is only 16 years old when she wrote the song "First Love", Utada love song had attracted millions of listeners. Throughout the years, from experience of marriage to divorce, and also the hard times when she suffered from ovarian tumour, once again she returned with the album "Heart Station" with more mature lyrics and more complicated feelings in her songs. "Flavor of Life" described the feeling of a girl with relationship problem and the way a girl handle it; and "Prisoner of Love" which perfectly portrayed the situation of the characters in the drama "Last Friends" where the characters strive to live on with the controversial relationships.

She has never failed with her Japanese songs, however, when she decided to go for American market in 2004, the response for her English songs was a failure. Utada Japanese style of songs being applied in English songs could not make it through. Over 5 years, this year, she once again stepped on the international music arena with her brand new album "This is the One", with the big hit "Come Back to Me", we know she gonna make it this time. This is the first time I can listen to her English song "Come Back to me" over and over again for more than 10 times per day as no different from her Japanese songs. I thought to myself, "She did it!" In "This is the One" album, we can feel her deepest honesty. She even admitted her betrayal towards her husband in the song "Come Back to Me". In other songs, she wrote in many of her deep feeling and ideas and even her own lifestyles. Through this album, I can say, her distance with her listeners has narrowed. We can feel what she feel, we understand what she went through, and we encourage and support her.

Finally, Utada English songs has gained recognition in the Asia market. We all satisfied with her hard work this time, and we really appreciate her songs which have accompanied us through happy and sad, easy and hard, high and low times. We hope from the bottom of our heart that we can listen more and more Utada songs in the future. Utada, gambatte ne!!!

Monday, August 31, 2009


昨晚,寂寞感觉忽然又出现,浮现过去梦中的画面……心血来潮重看了「Last Friends」 special episode。片尾的那一句:“家人、朋友、夫妻、恋人,包括了这四种关系,却又不属于任何一种。今后要保持这段脆弱的感情,坚强地活下去。” 然后以一张充满笑靥的照片作为完结的最后一幕。

照片似乎是人生活着的证据,也是最巩固的回忆。人生没有重来,相机‘卡擦’ 的那一刻,所有的喜怒哀乐都进了框框里。然而,科技的进步却违反了自然界的原则。使用数码相机,拍错了重拍,不美的重拍,不管多少次,拍到满意为止,不要的可永远从记忆中删除。拍好的照片,直接输入电脑,烧进CD里,把它藏进橱里就是了,省时省力又省钱。脑子里是说有空时随时可拿出来看,那试问曾几何时,你真的有把CD拿出来看?每个月?每年?从来没有?

相簿,我相信每个人家里都会有。自从有了数码相机,您的相簿多久没 ‘进货’ 了?发黄了吗?还是不知藏到哪了?还是铺满灰尘蜘蛛网,已经成为蜘蛛一家人的家了?看相簿通常都会花上一整晚的时间,看照片其实是几分钟的事情,其余的都是在发梦,望着照片出神,脑海不知飘到几千里外,几十年前。没有数码相机之前,或许拍到的照片都不很完美。虽然不很美,却翻了又翻,看了又看,想找回当时的一丝回忆。现在的照片,edit 了又edit,作到最完美就是了。肥的改瘦,黑的改白。改到最美,最不像原本的自己。请问那张照片,还有意思吗?放在电脑里看,其实很麻烦,又伤神,又有辐射,看照片的次数就更少,看照片里的自己,那么不真实,虽然改得最美,那是做给人家看的,因为要以最完美的一面示人。

人生可以这样完美吗?把不想要的东西,不想回忆起的事情,永远delete掉,说sayounara,永远不必看到它?做得不够完美,想重来;或想再一次体验同样的时光,return, back, 然后repeat又repeat?


P.S. 以下是我求学时期最怀念的时刻……

Monday, August 17, 2009

怨 ・ 躁






Thursday, August 6, 2009


願わくは せめて彼女を幸せにしてあげて

Just like 愛は泡沫(Bubble)
キスも囁きも 約束も 想い出に変えるの

何度も人にぶつかリ謝り 渡れない信号の向い
あなた見つけ照れ笑い 駆け出した青信号(Green light)

…変わらないものなど きっとない。
強がって 許して 忘れて 笑って 進むしかない

もう離れて生きる あなただけど

私には見慣れてる夕陽 あなたは「言葉も出ない」
そう言って 遠く切ない表情(かお)をした…忘れない。
私にはそうね 合っているみたい
穏やかな あそこでの暮らし
凪(なぎ)迎えた海が見たい 潮騒が聞きたい

誰もが避けられない 別れや哀しいすれ違い[別れやすれ違い]

Legend of mermaid まるでおとぎ話
違ってた 二人の住む世界

後悔はしてない あなたとの出逢い
後悔はしてない あなたとの出逢い
ある日惹かれ、焦がれ、抱かれ I gotta say goodbye

Romaji by きみ・君

Kitto sou, dare no sei de mo nakute
Anata wa kanojo wo eranda… sore dake

Dakara ayamaru koto nai

Negawaku wa semete kanojo wo shiawase ni shite agete

Just like ai wa Bubble

Sou, sonna no wa tsusetsu… heiki da yo
KISU mo sasayaki mo yakusoku mo omoida ni kaeru no
... hontou ni daisuki datta kara

Anata wo oitte kono machi ni kita hi

Nando mo hito ni butsukari ayamari watarenai shingou no mukai

Anata mitsuke terewarai kakedashita Green Light

Watashi ni wa muite nakatta mitai

Memagurushii tokai no kurashi

Soshite mou nai koko ni iru riyuu

Owarieta CHIKETTO no tehai, asu no asaichi no FURAITO

Honno sukoshi mae wa SUMIRE ga saita

Ano akichi ni mo BIRU ga tatsu mitai

... kawarenai mono nado kitto nai

Tsugatte yurushite wasurete waratte susumushikanai

Tada ai to shiru

Mou hanarete ikiru anata dakedo

Nani mo akiramenaide hoshii no… dare ga senaka muketemo

Anata wa sabishigari dakara

Anata ni aette koi ni ochita ano BIICHI

Watashi ni wa minareteru yuuhi anata wa “kotoba mo denai”

Sou itte tooku setsunai kao wo shita... wasurenai

Watashi ni sou ne atte iru mitai

Odayakana asokode no kurashi

Nagi mukaeta umi ga mitai shiosai ga kikitai

Daremo ga sakerarenai wakare ya kanashii surechigai (wakare ya surechigai)

Subete ni imi ga aru to shinjitai

Legend of mermaid maru de otogi hanashi

Chigatteta futari no sumu sekai

"musubarenai" betsu betsu no mirai

… wakatteta hazu janai, sonna koto kurai

Watashi ni wa muite nakatta mitai

Memagurushii tokai no kurashi

Soshite mou nai koko ni iru riyuu

Owarieta CHIKETTO no tehai, asu no asaichi no FURAITO

Koukai wa shitenai anata to no deai

Ano hi hikare, kogare, dakare, aishita... seiippai

Koukai wa shitenai anata to no deai

Aru hi hikare, kogare, dakare I gotta say goodbye

「UTAKATA」 is the second track from the new single "S.P.D." from SPEED. This single finally managed to draw back the heart of many SPEED fans due to the disappointment of the last single 「あしたの空」. Personally I love this song most in this single. The music is quite relaxing at the starting of the verse then gradually become a bit 'agitated' in the end. I salute them as this song is so hard to sing... not in the sense of high pitch but in the sense of the lyric. All the words stick together when sing, make my tongue twisted.. haha... Actually SPEED's songs are always difficult to sing... But I'm still happy to sing it! (my idol all the time!)

This is the link of the "UTAKATA" from imeem, have a listen.


PV of "S.P.D." - very hot and hip hop style, HAVE A LOOK!

LIVE version of "S.P.D."


Sunday, July 26, 2009

988 Simon san の楽園

自从988换了新概念和新节目后,我最爱的 “Simon san の楽園” 时段竟然消失了。那可是全大马唯一一个日韩歌曲节目,有那么多的忠实听众,陪伴了我那么多年,竟然一个交待都没有,就从新节目表中被抽离了……

从 “988有声有色” 变成 “988最好听”,当初我听到这个口号时,还真的对新节目充满期待。怎知新节目表出来了,节目名字都取得有点奇怪,节目类别有点空洞,很多大家喜爱的DJ都不见了。

听了一个月的新988,都不是胃口,难以下肚,更怀念以前的 “988有声有色”。现在的988都不知是瞄准哪个听众群,好像没有更明确的旨意。立志成为最好听的电台应该不是这个样子的。只觉得988的灵魂不见了~

我还是打从心底希望这我支持多年的电台可以继续改进,成为真正好听的电台。现在,只好在这里默默为 “Simon san の楽園” 哀悼了……

(如果有哪个好心人知道Simon san的去向,请告诉我哦,多谢了!)

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Earl Grey tea

The first time I know about this tea was in Dan Brown's "The Da Vinci Code", which the character Sir Leigh Teabing like to drink Earl Grey tea with lemon and Professor Langdon was asked by Sir Leigh for the answer for "milk or sugar?". Put aside coffee, tea is one of the most popular drink after all. No matter it is British tea, Ceylon tea, Chinese tea, red tea or green tea, u name it, people from all around the world have their own preference of tea in their own countries. People drinks tea for many reasons too - for health, to keep fit, as a past time, a tradition, or simply - love it.

I can't recall actually since when I joined the group "tea lovers" rather than "coffee addicts". I like to drink Chinese tea after a heavy meal, with the belief that tea can help to reduce fat in our body (which is may be just my belief), and tea can 'wash away' whatever taste that left on your tongue after meal. This is an advantage that coffee doesn't have... Haha ^^ Whenever I dining in '
Mamak stall', I always order 'teh o limau' (which is Ceylon tea with lemon). It tastes good!

Yesterday, I went to the newly opened "Who's Bryan" coffee house at Ong Yi How (opposite Chung Ling Butterworth), never in my imagination, I found this "Earl Grey" in the menu. Without second thought, I ordered it. Before I talk about the taste, let us have some history here first...

Earl Grey is a tea blended with Bergamot oil (a type of fragrant orange, called "香柠檬" in Chinese). The tea is named after the second Earl Charles Grey, a British Prime Minister from 1830 - 1834. Since the taste of Bergamot is quite strong, the Bergamot oil was originally blended with black tea to mask the lack of flavour from black tea. The Bergamot orange is mostly cultivated in Italy and the Earl Grey tea is now a favorite in Britain and in North America.

Earl Grey tea looks no different from the Ceylon tea (the typical yellowish brown). The first taste after a sip is no different too, however, the moment just before you swallow, u got the special taste. It is neither simply sweet nor sour, but the distinctive aroma is the most pleasant taste in the end. Flicking through the directories in my mind, I just manage to say that it has a little bit the taste of Taiwan ‘roast milk tea’ (烤奶茶), just at the very end before you swallow… The taste is pleasant, not with strong aroma. It moistens the throat and so as the esophagus… and seducing you to want more of it...

This glass of Earl Grey has not added lemon… (I wonder whether the principle of adding lemon to Earl Grey and adding lemon to ‘teh o’ will be the same or not) May be next time I’ll try to find a shop selling Earl Grey with lemon… Perhaps anyone of you has ever tried one with added lemon? Mind telling me the taste? For those who never try Earl Grey before, do not hesitate to try one, you will never regret over it…

Tuesday, July 21, 2009






收音机和手机是我准备入眠不可少的。有时,我会播放CHEMISTRY 的唱片,那是最适合不过的。懒惰时,就听手机随身听,有时听988,但较多时候是听收录在手机里的歌,有得选择嘛。



Sunday, July 12, 2009

Pride and Prejudice

It never came to my mind that my first post on movie would be on an English film... (as I like Japanese drama so much...) Since small, I was told that literary film will never be interesting, and horror and action movies will always be a big hit in cinemas. I believed that as I was always being scared and stunned by the actions and horrifying scenes but never try to even exposed myself to a literary film before. How silly I am... Tonight, thank to my curiosity, I watched "Pride and Prejudice" 2005 version. I know "Pride and Prejudice" is the most famous work by Jane Austen since I was in secondary school, but shamefully, I never read the book.

The story was set at the time when ranking among the English society is important. The rich cannot marry the poor and so on... (just like in many other countries that time) If the daughter in a family able to get married, it would be of great rejoice by the family or even the whole neighborhood, because the family will have less burden afterward. If a man is willing to marry a girl, there will be no reason or excuse for the girl to reject. However, the writer was successful to break this tradition in her story by TRUE LOVE among the gentlemen and ladies.

In the story, 'true love' saved the relationship from pride and prejudice; and pride and prejudice were the first impressions of the gentleman "Mr Darcy" by "Elizabeth". From an article I read, "First Impressions" was the initial name the writer give to this wonderful piece of work. The title "First Impressions" may suit the story very well, but in my opinion, may be the writer wanted us not to forget the bad impact that would be brought to ourselves and the people around us with just our pride and prejudice.

From this moment onwards, I swear I would never go for a horror movie when I'm boring. That will only costs me another night of insomnia. Good movie like "Pride and Prejudice" not only filled up my spare time, it also let me learn something useful in my life, at the same time, enjoying the breathtaking scenes of England in the movie. There were so many attempts of movies made based on popular literature. The most recent will be the Angels and Demons by Dan Brown. In opposite, I've read the book but not watched the movie... (It was that H1N1, make me scare for going into crowded cinema) Although I've read many comments about "Da Vinci Code" movie before, but I still believed that as long as the story of the original work is good, and in the movie, the story has not altered much, that movie will be very nice to be enjoyed. ^^

Saturday, July 4, 2009



有时,觉得单身并不是坏事。少了一个人的烦恼和担心,多了属于自己的时间和自由。享受单身的当儿,也会羡慕霸级市场里的拖手情侣……看了就算,强调自己现在单身也活得很开心!(真是阿Q~)看到朋友们为情人一把鼻涕,一把泪,更是觉得自己更幸运了~ 哈哈 ^^ 朋友常为男朋友和两个人的未来烦恼,替男朋友的工作担心,吵架时更是心情糟透……常常按计算机计划几时可筑爱巢、买保险……一天按几十封的短讯、打上十通的电话,连吃饭都不能好好享受眼前的食物……答应好见面,却要在半小时前倒数“甜蜜”时光的来临,一边打开衣柜发呆……虽然有这样多无谓的烦恼,却还是喜孜孜的说很幸福……真是的……

虽然觉得单身好,我并没有抗拒爱情。就像蔡健雅的《达尔文》里,“保持单身 忍不住又沉沦”,到头来还是“兜着圈子来去有时苦等”……爱情来临时还是无法抵挡,仍然会打开心扉。虽然不一定成功,却不可剥削属于自己恋爱的权利。



Sunday, June 28, 2009


今天去听了个关于抗癌草药的讲座会 - “天仙液”。孙医师在讲解癌症病发的过程时,我听了都很明白。



Friday, June 26, 2009

DREAM - "The Last Holidays" 夢 - 「最後の長い休み」

Dream, could be mean ambitious too, but most of the time, it associated with something unrealistic... (even in Japanese, the same word is use for 2 meanings of 'dream' as in English, written as '' 'yume')

Dream could be different at each stages of life... Do you still remember the very first dream you ever had? Become a cop? teacher? doctor? lawyer? musician? How far are you now from your dream? Very far? Near? Almost reached?

As the university life ended, here comes the longest holiday we ever had... As we are standing at this life junction again, the holidays provide us plenty of time to think all over, how do we want to carry on our life... Working? Further study? or... PURSUE OUR DREAM?

Somebody may be on their right track already to reach their last destination of dream, somebody may be getting further and further away of it... Which path to choose will depend on which principle u hold on...

At this life junction too, we face the separation of friends... Surely, we could have said "We'll meet again someday", would we have been able to believe that? Saying "goodbye" will result in another meet? Or just a way that we could be forgotten more easily?

Anyway, there is a lot to be think about at this stage... Instead of crying over the parting and lost of dreams, at least we could do now is "TREASURE" everything that we've gone through so far...

P.S. 大塚愛 - フレンズ (Ootsuka Ai - FRIENDS) is a meaningful song describing about separation of friends while pursuing their dreams... This song has been used as the theme song for the Japanese drama "Tokyo Friends" 「東京フレンズ」. The famous quote "一番最初に 描いた夢を あなたは 今も 憶えてる?" (The very first dream you ever had, do you still remember?) Please kindly visit the link of this song, HERE!!! Lyric and translation